
Grades 1-3

6 - 9 Years

“Mastery is not a function of genius or talent, it is a function of time and intense focus applied to a particular field of knowledge”

Grades 1-3 Program Schedule

Before Care
8:00 am – 9:00 am
9:00 am – 3:45 pm
After Care
3:45 pm – 5:30 pm

Plan a School Visit Today.

“The attention and environment you provide, shapes your child’s brain for life.”

— Erik Erikson


At The Laurel School, we recognize each child’s unique abilities and truly connect with your child. When students begin at Laurel, we assess their current skills in the core academic subjects and set up an individualized academic program that meets their needs yet challenges students to grow academically. Our top-notch instructional materials and programs support students in mastering many skills, work habits and routines. We provide a close-knit environment with a lower teacher-to-student ratio allowing for increased student engagement and participation. Over time, students can master many skills leading to a stronger foundation for early success.

Our Elementary classrooms include:

  • A bright and large classroom environment with child-sized furniture

  • Certified teachers that are specially trained to create a confident, social and independent child

  • A loving, nurturing and inclusive environment

  • A deep love and appreciation for growth and learning through each child’s unique abilities 

  • Daily communication through our ClassDojo system including 

    • Updates on children’s activities

    • Special events and announcements 

    • Direct messaging with families throughout the day

  • Theme Based Monthly Events

  • Newsletters each term


Our Grades 1-3 program is an interactive experience between the classroom, the teacher, and the child. Each child's day is structured around a balance of active play, hands-on exploration, and teacher-directed, academic seat work. On top of academics, we continue to build life skills, including social/emotional, time management, leadership, mindfulness & kindness abilities. As students build these foundational skills daily, we view the progress children make, thus leading to mastery in their development within their early years. As your child progresses through our enriched, academic program, your child will be set up for success and develop many lifelong, mastered skills.

Our Grades 1-3 Program Includes:

One-On-One Early Reading Program
Handwriting, Cursive & Typing Program
Field Trips & Extra Curricular Activities
English Curriculum
Mathematics Curriculum
Science, Coding & Engineering Curriculum
Languages Curriculum
(French & Spanish)
Arts & Drama
Social Studies Curriculum
Spelling, Vocabulary & Creative Writing
Physical Education
Entrepreneurship & Financial Literacy Curriculum
Mindfulness & Kindness Curriculum
Social Skills & Life Skills Curriculum
7 Habits Leadership Program

Have a sneak peek at our beautiful Grades 1-3 classroom.

Find out why your child needs to be part of our Laurel family!