

15 Months – 2.5 Years

1:5 teacher to student ratio | class size of 15

Toddler Program Schedule

Before Care
8:00 am – 9:00 am
9:00 am – 3:45 pm
After Care
3:45 pm – 5:30 pm

Plan a school visit today.

“The attention and environment you provide, shapes your child’s brain for life.”

— Erik Erikson


At The Laurel School, we understand the rapid pace throughout brain development within the critical 7 period. Our toddler program is designed to be an interactive experience between the classroom, the teacher and the students. Our toddlers are immersed in a rich language environment learning expressive and receptive language, number identification, social/emotional development and their individual artistic and musical abilities.

Our Toddler classroom includes:

  • A bright classroom environment with child-sized furniture and built in washrooms

  • ECE certified educators that are specially trained to create a confident, social and independent child

  • A loving, warm, home like environment

  • Healthy & Nutritious Meals by Real Food For Real Kids

  • Daily communication through our Brightwheel App system including:

    • Photos & Videos of Children’s Activities

    • Meals Eaten

    • Potty Updates

    • Supplies Needed

    • Moods & Feelings

    • Sleep

    • Direct Messaging the Teacher

    • And more in order to stay updated on how your child is doing so our families are always kept in the loop!

  • Daily Program Schedules and Activities

  • Monthly Newsletters


Our Toddler Curriculum is designed to be an interactive experience between the classroom, the teacher and the children. Each child’s day is structured around our core concepts including health and physical development, language and literacy, creative arts, mathematics, social /emotional development, science and engineering, and social studies. Our certified educators work individually with each child, supporting each child for a smooth transition into the classroom, and implement developmentally appropriate activities that engage children within a stimulating environment.

Our Toddler Program includes:

One-on-one & Small Group Learning
Speech & Language Development
Sensory Experiences
Self-Help & Life Skills
Character Development
Fine Motor & Gross Motor Development
Problem Solving
Mindfulness & Kindness
Outdoor, nature experiences

Have a sneak peek at our beautiful Toddler classroom.

Find out why your child needs to be here!