Grades 1-3 Curriculum


Why Grades 1-3 at The Laurel School?

At Laurel we understand that every child is unique, and so every child is recognized, understood, and cared for as an equal, vital part of an inclusive community. Within our preschool classroom, our educators meet the child’s needs and support children with our early learning program that stimulates them intellectually. During these early years, it is essential to prepare children for the future through our balanced education engaging in both play and academics. By the time our students enter grade one, they are typically reading at a grade three level, which is something that inspires confidence, not only in themselves, but within their families and educators too.

Curriculum Focus

English Curriculum

Using our award winning programs and rich language environment, these methods work side by side to promote learning opportunities for students to master literacy and cognitive skills. Our specialized literacy program includes both one on one and small group learning, providing the most attention and care for your child to be valued and supported through their academic growth.

Our English Curriculum covers:

  • One-on-One Reading
  • Literature & Oral Practice
  • Handwriting (Printing & Cursive)
  • Grammar & Writing Practice
  • Spelling
  • Vocabulary
  • Creative Writing
  • Enrichment
Language Development

The early years are a crucial time frame where students develop communication and language skills that grow at a rapid pace. Our Grades 1-3 students are encouraged to develop skills and confidence within public speaking, oral reading and to be actively engaged in group activities. Through our direct instruction programs and public speaking opportunities, students are able to extend their skills in terms of correct sentence structure, vocabulary and pronunciation of words and phrases.


With the importance of developing fine motor skills, our program immerses students in learning these skills through consistent tool use, improving pincer grip and learning to write neatly yet comfortably on paper. Our top notch program prevents and resolves handwriting problems (e.g. posture problems, reversals, etc.) and supports children in working more efficiently, confidently and proudly. Our students work through many hands on manipulatives, engaging songs and actions and seat work, using a variety of materials for greater engagement and success!


Through our enriched program, students work through a variety of resources, working at each child’s own individual level. Students are placed in the correct program based on assessments and their skills, where students receive the attention and support that they need to thrive in mathematics. Our program supports students in understanding mathematical concepts, skill at calculation, and problem solving skills. We integrate all three areas, while allowing students to have the individualized attention that they need, with the opportunity to advance at their own capable skill level.

Science & Engineering

Our Grades 1-3 students are full of curiosity about the world around them! Our program provides students with the tools to explore and engage through cause & effect relationships, spatial exploration, logical sequences, true & false, sensorial activities and the ability to document their findings. Students learn to develop the ability to ask questions, hypothesize and develop explanations and conclusions to their observations.


Our specially designed Entrepreneurship curriculum introduces students to important skills in developing entrepreneurial qualities that will follow along with them for life. Our students are taught many real world concepts such as needs versus wants, SMART goals, how to invest, save, spend & donate, how to start their own business and how to become the next leader, thinker and doer in society. Our students gain confidence, develop their own sense of ownership and independence, all while having fun within the process! With our TLS Marketplace, students have the ability to assess risks, make decisions, develop responsibility and experiment with a variety of entrepreneurial opportunities!

Social Studies

Our Grades 1-3 students are immersed early on through a variety of topics such as relationships, rules & responsibilities, the community, physical geography, early settlements in Upper Canada and more! Our field trips go hand in hand with our topics covered, allowing for a hands on, real world experience!


Our Grades 1-3 students develop basic vocabulary, comprehension, speech skills and basic writing skills through music, drama, dance, oral activities and gestures. Students become part of a collaborative learning environment which allows students to express new language skills and rapidly develop high levels of oral proficiency in these languages. Languages taught include French, Spanish, and Greek. (COMING SOON - Mandarin).

Creative Arts

Our Creative Arts program allows students to develop basic skills including drawing, painting, using perspective, scale, balance, symmetry or asymmetry. Students are exposed to a variety of artistic techniques and learn to understand the significance of art in our civilization and in past civilizations. As we provide students with the basic tools to have students engage in practice, they learn to understand and appreciate different art forms from around the world.

Physical Development

Through our dedicated Wonder Room, Outdoor Play spaces and WOW Garden, students are able to engage in active free play structured physical education classes and get in touch with nature! Students participate in activities that improve coordination, balance, dexterity and control, while developing skills which will prepare them for physical games and sports. Students learn how to collaborate as a team, problem solve and learn the rules of a game while using good sportsmanship skills. As well, students learn to be aware of topics such as healthy living tissues, healthy eating habits, safety risk and safe practices.

Life Skills & Character Development

Our program is designed to support students in the real world through eating correctly at the table, socially interacting with peers appropriately, turn taking and problem solving! Our Grades 1-3 students also learn about important topics such as health and safety, food and nutrition, mindfulness & kindness skills and the ability to develop and engage in meaningful, positive social interactions with people around them.

Social/Emotional Development

Through our balanced approach, students are able to develop a strong foundation of emotional well-being and social competence in order to take these tools with them throughout life, covering topics such as problem solving, emotional regulation, expression of feelings, mindfulness and learning how to make good choices. Our students develop respect for each other and the environment, allowing them to gain skills to support leadership, gratitude, pride, respect, positive self-esteem, cultural awareness and confidence!

Critical 7 Focus

Our curriculum helps build the attention system of your toddler’s brain, in turn preparing them for later school success. We promote healthy brain development through positive relationships and responsive environments helping your child to bond and our language rich environment develops communication.

Our curriculum focuses on your child’s brain development which begins during the day your child is born, through the age of 7. As brains are built over time, it is crucial to develop the skills over time in order to build a strong foundation for later success. As a school, we are invested in your child’s education as we promote healthy brain development through positive relationships, healthy environments, academic skills and a language rich environment. Our commitment to your child’s brain development is our priority which is why we play a large focus on a balance between both play and academics, thus using a “whole child” approach. 

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